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Use every bit of food! White Asparagus

Updated: 6 days ago

Asparagus is often sold in bundles, which can be a bit tricky for small households or those cooking for one, can’t it?

White asparagus, in particular, tends to spoil quickly, which can be a bit of a bother.

In such cases, why not try making a delicious white asparagus risotto?

White Asparagus

You might think getting risotto rice is a hassle, but there’s no need to worry. Japanese rice or any variety you have on hand will do just fine, and the result will be a delightful risotto!

White Asparagus Risotto


  • White asparagus: However much you have left over

  • Rice: Half a cup per serving

  • Onion: Half an onion

  • Salt & pepper: To taste

  • Butter: To taste

  • Dried seaweed (optional): Three pinches

  • Olive oil: 1 tablespoon

  • Parmesan cheese: To taste

• • Saffron: Optional


  1. Boil the asparagus in a pot. Be sure to save the cooking water, as you'll need it later for the risotto.

  2. Finely chop the onion. As the asparagus finishes boiling, sauté the onion in olive oil until it softens.

  3. Once the onion has softened, add the rice and sauté it together with the onion. When the rice becomes slightly translucent, start adding the asparagus cooking water. Add just enough to cover the rice, reserving the rest. For softer asparagus, continue boiling it separately.

  4. Keep adding the cooking water a little at a time as the rice cooks, adjusting until the rice reaches your desired texture.

  5. When the rice is nearly done, add the saffron and boiled asparagus.

  6. To finish, sprinkle dried seaweed, salt, and pepper. Transfer to a plate, top with Parmesan cheese, and enjoy!

This dish takes no more than 20 minutes to prepare, making it perfect for a quick dinner after work.

Nutritional Benefits of Saffron


Saffron is known to contain vitamins and minerals, but their amounts are relatively small, making its nutritional value less significant.

On the other hand, saffron is rich in carotenoids, particularly crocin, a powerful antioxidant.

Crocin has been shown to protect cells from oxidative damage and may help reduce the risk of various diseases, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and dementia.

A Natural Antidepressant

Saffron is also believed to help alleviate depression and anxiety. This effect is attributed to crocin, which plays a role in balancing neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine in the brain. By stabilising these neurotransmitters, saffron may help ease symptoms of depression and anxiety.

The Role of Safranal

Saffron also contains a compound called safranal, which is thought to act on the nervous system. Safranal provides a calming effect and may further contribute to reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

While saffron alone cannot cure depression or anxiety, incorporating it into your diet could be beneficial for those experiencing mild symptoms.

Note: Avoid excessive consumption of saffron. Moderation is key.

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